Some Interesting Questions About Gym Mats

Some Interesting Questions About Gym Mats

When you think about gym mats it is easy to think that they are all the same. The reality is that they differ tremendously depending on the requirement. So if you are looking at installing mats it helps to ask yourself some basic questions. Here are some interesting questions about gym mats that we encounter on a daily basis.

Why are training gym mats so important for exercise?


Training gym mats are important for exercise for several reasons:

  1. Safety: Gym mats provide a cushioned surface that helps to absorb shock and reduce the risk of injury from impact. This is especially important for exercises that involve jumping, lifting, or other movements that place stress on the joints.
  2. Comfort: Mats provide a comfortable surface that is easier on the feet, knees, and back than hard floors. This can help reduce fatigue and allow for longer, more effective workouts.
  3. Stability: Mats provide a stable surface that can help prevent slips and falls. This is especially important for exercises that require balance, such as yoga or Pilates.
  4. Hygiene: Mats provide a clean and hygienic surface that can be easily cleaned and disinfected between uses. This helps prevent the spread of germs and bacteria that can cause illness.

Overall, training gym mats are an important investment for anyone who wants to exercise safely and effectively. They provide a stable, comfortable, and hygienic surface that can help prevent injuries and allow for longer, more effective workouts.

What kind of activities require gym mats?

There are many different activities that can benefit from the use of gym mats. Here are some examples:

  1. Bodyweight exercises: Gym mats are great for bodyweight exercises such as push-ups, sit-ups, and lunges. The cushioned surface helps to reduce the impact on joints and can help improve stability.
  2. Yoga and Pilates: Mats are essential for yoga and Pilates because they provide a stable and comfortable surface for poses and movements. They also help improve grip and prevent slips.
  3. Martial arts: Gym mats are commonly used in martial arts training to provide a safe and cushioned surface for sparring, grappling, and falls.
  4. Weightlifting: Rubber mats are often used in weightlifting areas to provide a stable surface for lifting and dropping weights. This helps protect the floor and equipment from damage and reduces noise.
  5. Cardiovascular exercises: Mats are useful for high-intensity cardio exercises like burpees and jumping jacks, as they help reduce the impact on joints and allow for longer, more effective workouts.

Overall, gym mats are versatile and can be used for many different types of exercises. They provide a safe, stable, and comfortable surface for a wide range of activities.

Are professional gym mats the same as home gym mats?

Professional gym mats and home gym mats can be different in terms of their quality, durability, and cost. Professional gym mats are typically designed to withstand heavy use in commercial gym settings and may be made from higher quality materials than home gym mats. They may also be larger and thicker than home gym mats.

Home gym mats, on the other hand, are often designed for personal use and may be less expensive and less durable than professional gym mats. They may also be smaller and thinner than professional gym mats, making them easier to store in a home setting.

That being said, there are many high-quality home gym mats available that can provide excellent cushioning and protection for workouts. It’s important to consider the type of exercises you’ll be doing, the amount of space you have available, and your budget when choosing gym mats for your home gym.

Tell me more

Sure! Here are some additional things to consider when choosing gym mats for your home gym:

  1. Size: Gym mats come in different sizes, so it’s important to measure your workout space and choose mats that will fit comfortably. Consider the dimensions of the mats and the number of mats you’ll need to cover your entire workout area.
  2. Material: Gym mats can be made from a variety of materials, including foam, rubber, and vinyl. Each material has its own benefits and drawbacks in terms of durability, comfort, and traction. Foam mats are often less expensive but may be less durable than rubber or vinyl mats, while rubber mats may offer better traction and durability but can be more expensive.
  3. Thickness: Gym mats come in different thicknesses, which can affect their cushioning and shock absorption. Thicker mats may provide more cushioning for high-impact exercises, while thinner mats may be more suitable for low-impact exercises like yoga or Pilates.
  4. Texture: The texture of gym mats can affect their grip and traction. Mats with a smooth surface may be more slippery, while mats with a textured surface may provide better grip and prevent slipping.
  5. Price: Gym mats can range in price from less than $20 for a basic foam mat to several hundred dollars for a high-quality rubber or vinyl mat. Consider your budget and how much you’re willing to spend on gym mats for your home gym.

Overall, choosing the right gym mats for your home gym will depend on your individual needs, preferences, and budget. By considering factors like size, material, thickness, texture, and price, you can find gym mats that will provide the cushioning, stability, and protection you need for a safe and effective workout.

If I train in judo what’s the best for me?

As a judo practitioner, it’s important to choose gym mats that can provide sufficient cushioning and shock absorption to protect you during throws and falls. Overwhelmingly judo practitioners use tatami mats for their training. Here are some things to consider when choosing gym mats for judo:

  1. Thickness: Mats that are at least 30mm thick are typically recommended for judo training, as they provide enough cushioning to absorb the impact of falls and throws. The most common tatami mats are 40mm though.
  2. Material: Mats made from high-density foam or rubber are typically best for judo training, as they can provide optimal shock absorption and durability. Mats made from lower quality foam may break down over time and not provide adequate protection.
  3. Texture: Mats with a textured surface can help provide better traction and prevent slips, which is important for judo training. Look for mats with a non-slip surface or a tatami-style texture.
  4. Size: The size of your gym mats will depend on the size of your training area and the number of people using it. Mats that are at least 1 meter x 2 meters are recommended for judo training.
  5. Price: High-quality gym mats can be expensive, but they are an important investment for judo practitioners who want to train safely and effectively. Look for mats that are within your budget but also offer the necessary features for your training needs.

Overall, it’s important to choose gym mats that can provide optimal cushioning, shock absorption, and traction for judo training. Mats made from high-density foam or rubber, with a textured surface and a thickness of 40mm, are typically best for judo practitioners.

Talk to a professional

If you feel you need more information in order to make up your mind talk to a professional. People who deal with the sale of mats talk to customers everyday. The feedback that they get can be invaluable so feel free to ask away. If you have some interesting questions about gym mats then don’t hesitate to call Ezy Mats. Your professionals in the trade.

The 3 Best Mats For Gym Training

We often get asked what are the best mats for gym training. It is a difficult question because there are so many options and we put a lot of effort to ensure that all our mats are good quality mats. The best mat for training can depend on a lot of things most of all the type of training and needs of the user. So whilst we can recommend mats depending on the described need the real choice rests with the user. Either way we will explore here the 3 best mats for gym training.

Tried and tested wins the day

If there is one type of mats which are used the most out there it would be  jigsaw mats hands down. Jigsaw mats have been the training mat of choice for organisations big and small for decades now. If you have ever visited a karate school or any other type of martial arts chances are that you have seen jigsaw mats in use.

It is not just martial arts organisations that use them these days though. Place as diverse as child care centres and gymnastics clubs use jigsaw mats prolifically these days. There is a good reason for that. The are a versatile product which is easy to install and inexpensive so it is often a no-brainer when choosing them for as protective flooring.

Heavy duty activity calls for heavy duty mats

Sometime the punishment meted out to the floor is so much that the only solution is a heavy duty mat. The heaviest duty mats of course are rubber mats which can take more punishment than any other. Made from high density rubber material they are the only mat which can truly take the weight of heavy equipment sitting on them and being dropped on them.

Rubber mats are generally made from recycled tires so they are a great choice environmentally as well. Indeed most rubber surfaces whether in mat form or otherwise are usually repurposed rubber. These mats are available in either solid black or with speckles for aesthetic enhancement.

The ultimate mats for a fighting gym

If you truly want the best surface for training then you really can’t go past tatami mats in my estimation. No only are they built to last but come with a textured finish which make training on them a delight. So when discussing the The 3 Best Mats For Gym Training you really can’t go past tatami mats.

The wait is over so get some mats

So if you have be agonising about which mats to get then the wait is over. With any one of these 3 options you are on the right track. If there is something else you had in mind then give us a call and we will sort you out. Big time!

Train From Home

There is nothing better than being able to set up a nice training area at home to be able to get in that extra bit of training. It is so convenient and makes pursuing your favourite activity so much easier. That is why it is also important to have all the equipment necessary to be able to do such a think. It also makes having some good training when you decide to train from home.

What’s the mat best for my home?

That is a question which has been asked time and again and really it depends on a number of factors. Before you chose the mat you want to use for you training you need to ask yourself a few questions.

  • How often will I train?
  • What is the intensity of my training?
  • Will I be wearing shoes?
  • Are there going to be weight involved?
  • Do I need to protect against falls?

Whilst the above is not all the questions you will want to ask yourself they are some of them. Indeed the kind of training you will be engaging in will have a large impact on the choice you need to make so it helps to consider your choices carefully.

Can EVA mats help me?

Probably amongst the most popular type of mats in the market today are Eva Mats. They have been prolific in the field of training for decades now and there is a good reason for it. They are economic and flexible which is what makes  EVA mats such a great choice when it comes to training mats for your home.

Whilst EVA is used for different kids of mats including yoga mats and rollout mats the most popular one is the  Jigsaw Mat format. Indeed the jigsaw mat is probably the most used mat in the world when it comes to training. No only will you find it in the majority of martial arts schools you will also find the humble jigsaw mat being used by all sort of training facilities.

What if I am using weights?

If you are using weights then you need to consider Rubber Mats for your home gym. They are the ideal mats when you have floors which need to be protected by heavy equipment and weight. If you train from home using weights then rubber mats are a no brainer.

The best thing about rubber mats is that they generally come with a no-slip surface. That and the fact that they are pretty dense and heavy means you don’t have to worry about them moving around too much. So they should definitely be on your with list.


What Chat Open Ai had to say about EVA Mats

What Chat Open Ai had to say about EVA Mats

I recently decided to have a look at all this Ai stuff that has been coming out to see what all the fuss is about. So I logged into Chat Open Ai and asked some simply questions. This is what I learned about EVA mats from using this program. The information is obviously sourced from the internet as it is the kind of information I would expect to find on my site and other sites. Below you will find what chat open Ai had to say about EVA Mats.

The benefits of EVA mats?

  1. Comfort: EVA mats provide cushioning and comfort for standing or kneeling activities.
  2. Durability: Made of high-density foam, EVA mats are resistant to wear and tear, making them long-lasting.
  3. Water resistance: The closed-cell foam structure of EVA mats makes them resistant to water and moisture, making them ideal for use in wet environments.
  4. Lightweight: EVA mats are lightweight, making them easy to carry and store.
  5. Non-slip: The surface of EVA mats provides traction, making them slip-resistant and safe to use.
  6. Versatile: EVA mats can be used for a variety of purposes, including yoga, exercise, camping, and as play mats for kids.
  7. Easy to clean: EVA mats can be easily cleaned with soap and water.

Who uses them?

  1. Yoga enthusiasts: EVA mats are often used for yoga and other types of exercise due to their comfort and durability.
  2. Children: EVA mats are commonly used as play mats for kids, providing a safe and cushioned surface for playtime.
  3. Campers: EVA mats are often used by campers for comfortable sleeping or as flooring in tents.
  4. Mechanics: EVA mats are used by mechanics as kneeling pads to protect their knees while working.
  5. Athletes: Athletes use EVA mats for various training exercises and as crash mats for gymnastics and other activities.
  6. Fitness enthusiasts: People who are into fitness use EVA mats as a comfortable and durable surface for their workouts.
  7. Home owners: EVA mats are also used as flooring in areas such as the bathroom, kitchen, and basement to provide a cushioned and water-resistant surface.

How do they compare to other mats?

  1. Comfort: Compared to other types of mats, EVA mats offer good cushioning and comfort for standing or kneeling activities.
  2. Durability: EVA mats are more durable than many other types of mats, such as foam mats, due to their high-density foam structure.
  3. Water resistance: EVA mats are more water-resistant than many other types of mats, such as cloth or paper-based mats.
  4. Lightweight: EVA mats are lighter than many other types of mats, such as rubber mats, making them easy to carry and store.
  5. Non-slip: EVA mats have a non-slip surface, providing better traction than mats made of cloth or other materials.
  6. Versatility: EVA mats are versatile and can be used for a variety of purposes, whereas other mats may be designed for specific activities.
  7. Cost: EVA mats are often more affordable than other types of mats, such as high-end yoga mats.

Are they all jigsaw mats?

No, not all EVA mats are jigsaw mats. EVA mats can come in different shapes and sizes, and some may have interlocking edges to create a larger surface area. Jigsaw mats are a specific type of EVA mat that have interlocking edges, allowing multiple mats to be connected to form a larger surface. Jigsaw mats are commonly used as flooring for martial arts, gymnastics, and other activities that require a cushioned and slip-resistant surface. However, not all EVA mats are jigsaw mats, and they can be found in other forms such as flat mats, exercise mats, or play mats.

What are the most popular type of EVA mats?

  1. Exercise mats: Exercise mats made of EVA foam are popular due to their cushioned and durable surface, making them suitable for a variety of exercises and workouts.
  2. Jigsaw mats: Jigsaw mats with interlocking edges are popular for use as flooring in martial arts studios, gymnastics facilities, and for other activities that require a cushioned and slip-resistant surface.
  3. Play mats: EVA foam play mats are popular for use as a soft and safe surface for children to play on.
  4. Yoga mats: EVA yoga mats are a popular choice for yoga enthusiasts due to their comfort and durability.
  5. Kneeling pads: EVA kneeling pads are popular among mechanics and other professionals who spend time kneeling on hard surfaces.
  6. Camping mats: EVA camping mats are a popular choice for camping and outdoor activities due to their water resistance, light weight, and durability.
  7. Shower mats: EVA shower mats are popular for use in the bathroom due to their water resistance and easy-to-clean surface.

Should I use EVA mats?

Whether or not you should use EVA mats depends on your specific needs and preferences. Here are some factors to consider:

  1. Comfort: If you are looking for a cushioned and comfortable surface for standing, kneeling, or exercising, then EVA mats may be a good choice.
  2. Durability: If you need a mat that is durable and can withstand frequent use, then EVA mats are a good option due to their high-density foam structure.
  3. Water resistance: If you will be using the mat in a wet environment, such as a bathroom or shower, then EVA mats are a good choice due to their water resistance.
  4. Versatility: If you need a mat that can be used for a variety of activities, then EVA mats may be a good choice due to their versatility.
  5. Budget: If you are on a budget, then EVA mats are often more affordable than other types of mats, such as high-end yoga mats.

Overall, if you need a cushioned, durable, water-resistant, versatile, and affordable mat, then EVA mats may be a good choice for you.

Are they good for martial arts?

  1. Cushioned surface: EVA mats provide a cushioned surface that helps absorb impact, reducing the risk of injury during martial arts training.
  2. Durability: EVA mats are more durable than many other types of mats, which makes them suitable for the demands of martial arts training.
  3. Non-slip surface: EVA mats have a non-slip surface that provides good traction, which is important for martial arts training where quick movements and turns are common.
  4. Interlocking edges: Jigsaw EVA mats have interlocking edges, which makes it easy to create a large and seamless training area for martial arts.
  5. Easy to clean: EVA mats are easy to clean, which is important for maintaining hygiene in a martial arts studio.

Overall, EVA mats are a good choice for martial arts due to their cushioned surface, durability, non-slip surface, interlocking edges, and easy-to-clean properties.

In conclusion

So there you have it. A whole bunch of questions posed to Ai regarding EVA Mats. It seems to work pretty well. As Gina Araiji says “Let’s just hope we don’t get a Skynet situation like in The Terminator.” I totally agree.

Training Mats For The New Year

Training Mats For The New Year

First of all Happy New Year to all our customers in 2023. Whilst last year was a challenging year in many regards we are very confident that this year will offer more improvements. We have already noticed a remarkable increase in the number of mats purchased by gyms both setting up new training areas and replacing old mats. That is great news for the training public who are eager to get out of the home and into the gym. Here are some of the most popular training mats for the new year.

Jigsaw Mats For All Occasions

Of all the gym mats available jigsaw mats are still the reigning champions when it come to sales of training mats. Of all the mats we have on offer and that are generally available it is jigsaw mats which customers choose time and again. The shear availability of options available is one compelling reason for choosing these mats but it is not the only factor involved. There are many more.

Apart from all the colour and thickness options the other reason for popularity of jigsaw mats is also price and practicality. On a per square meter basis they are the best value for money when setting up a gym. You definitely get more bang for your buck when you choose jigsaw mats. There is also the practical issue of their jigsaw nature. No other gym mat can so seamlessly connect to one another like jigsaw mats can which is why they are a great choice when decking out a training area.

Crash Mats to Reduce Impact

For high impact training you need high impact mats. To that end we have a great range of crash mats available which will help you meet your goals faster. Our crash mats are especially sort after in activities such as judo where there is a repetitive nature of throw which can cause injury if not enough protection is used. They is where these mats shine.

Amongst our most popular crash mats are our 1-Fold landing mat. Being foldable means that they are easy to store away and won’t take up much room. Also being foldable means that you can increase the amount of protection you need simply by folding them. So a 15mm thickness can quickly become 30mm when you need it.

Hard-core Training With Rubber Mats

If you have heavy equipment or weight in your gym then you will definitely be needing rubber mats. They are the kind of high density mats which take the impact out of dropping weights on your floors that you need to reduce damage. Constantly dropping weight would otherwise damage your floors so rubber mats are a must.

The same can be said about heavy equipment. It is important to have a buffer between your flooring and any heavy machines you have in your gym. They also prevent and movement of the equipment during use therefore also preserving your floors. Luckily we have a large range of rubbers mats suitable for such applications.

Get More Our of Your Mats With Ezy Mats

What ever your plans for 2023 you have to get in touch with Ezy Mats. As the premier supplier of training mats in the Australian market we have you covered. And your floors!


Ezy Mats Christmas Closing Times 2022

Ezy Mats Christmas Closing Times 2022

We would like let all our wonderful customers know that the Ezy Mats office and warehouse will be closed from 19/12 until 11/01. All orders placed during this time will be actioned upon our return. All queries sent via email will still be answered during this period and an urgent issues attended to the best of our abilities. In any case it is just a short break and should not have a huge impact on our operations. Ezy Mats Christmas closing times 2022 are generally limited to the Christmas and New Years period which should cause less disruptions.

New Stock Coming

The great new is we have lots of new stock of gym mats coming in the new year. We have containers of mats coming covering every category. Ezy Mats anticipate that 2023 will be a big year for new gym openings building on the growth we witnessed in 2022.  If you are looking at setting up a gym get in early to secure your gym mats. We look forward to building on our reputation of being the pre-eminent supplier of training mats in the country.

FIFA World Cup 2022

FIFA World Cup 2022 and How to Train Like a Champion

FIFA World Cup 2022

Every four years we get the pleasure of watching teams from all over the world complete in the ultimate tournament. For a few glorious weeks we witness some great football being played by all our favourite stars. This year the venue for the FIFA World Cup 2022 is Qatar which is a great destination. It is an ultra modern city with a great climate. It high summer temperatures meant that the games had to be held in winter as otherwise it would have been unbearable for players and fans alike.

How to Train Like a Champion

Whether it is football you play or some other sport the path to victory often involve hours of training. Whilst some training might be done outside on grass there is bound to be some indoor training as well. That is why it is important to train on the right surface. Good gym flooring is key to a safe and productive training regime. As such careful consideration needs to me made to ensure that you get the right solution for you.

Jigsaws Mats the #1 Choice

There is no doubt that one kind of mat shine above all others when it comes to popularity and they are jigsaw mats. By far the biggest selling mats by volume are jigsaw mats for a number of reason. Most prominent amongst them is value for money. We it comes to covering large areas then no mat is more economical to purchase and install.

Price isn’t the only reason for jigsaw mats popularity as there are other benefits as well. Some other reason they are used so often in training area include:

  • They are light weight
  • Easy to install
  • Different colour options
  • Connect together using jigsaw system
  • Durable

Rubber Mats for Weights Areas

If you are looking at setting up a gym with weight then you wold want to consider rubber mats. Whilst jigsaw mats are great for fitness training you would not use them in an area where gym equipment needs to be placed on them. Although some light weight equipment is fine, if you are going to have heavy equipment then rubber mats are a better choice.

Rubber mats are great for such applications as they are high density and can withstand a lot of punishment. If you are going to me dropping weights etc then you need something that can do the job. With rubber mats you can drop weights and place heavy machines without having to worry about damage the mats or the floor underneath it. The are even rubber mats which connect together using the jigsaw system which is a great thing to have.

Use Professionals to Be Professional

Probably one of the most important things to do is find the right supplier. When you are setting up a gym you need someone like Ezy Mats who have stock and knowledge to boot. Give Ezy Mats a call to get your next training area started so you can train like a champion.

4 Ways to Improve Your Home Gym

4 Ways to Improve Your Home Gym

As much as we like training out doors often it is at home that we do most of our training. If you have the space it is just so convenient which is why so many people end up setting up a gym at home. Whilst it is easy to allocate an area if you have the room there is always ways to make it better. Here we look at 4 ways to improve your home gym.

Start off by having some great gym mats

The obvious way to improve your home gym is to have some good gym mats installed. Gym flooring is crucial to having a professional feel work out area. They make things more comfortable and service to designate a particular area for your train. This is an important way to stop other people from infringing on your space. It’s a way of saying keep out unless you are here to train.

There are a number of gym mats available for servicing as your gym flooring. The type you use depends on the activity you most want to undertake. If it is just weight training you want to do than you would pick a certain type of mat such as rubber mats. If is is not then you might want to go for a totally different kind of gym mats.

Roll Out Mats Combo For Quick Installation

If you are looking for great mats which are excellent to train on and easy to install then look no further then our roll out mats combo. These mats cover an area of 3m x 3m which is enough for almost any activity. Whilst they are in highest demand by people who do MMA and BJJ they are also great for other activities. They have a nice smooth vinyl surface which is easy to clean and pleasant to train on.

The roll out mats combo feel like professional mats because they are a professional grade mat. They connect using a velcro system so there is no need for tape. When you are finished using them you can simply roll them up thereby opening up your space for a different activity. We sell a lot of these precisely because they are so practical and great.

Lower the impact with some good crash mats

If you like doing a high impact activity such as judo then you just got to get some crash mats. Crash mats are used to reduce the impact on your body during hard hitting training. By hard hitting I mean hitting the floor which is what you are going to do if you want to practice your throw.

A fantastic option for crash mats that we have is the 1 fold landing mats. These mats are just like they sound. They are a mat which can be folding in the middle which makes for easy storage or doubles up the protection from high impact training. They go great with our roll out combo because they are so portable and easy to use.

Singles training made easy with yoga mats

If you just do simple exercises such as yoga or pilates then maybe consider getting some yoga mats. Even if you have gym flooring having yoga mats is great is it helps confine your activity to one area. Also it make clean up all the most easier. The great thing is that there is a huge range of yoga mats to choose from so you are pretty much spoilt for choice.

So if you are looking to improve your home gym there are no excuses. There are just solutions. So have fun and enjoy life and most of all stay fit and health.

3 Way To Reduce Impact During Training

3 Way To Reduce Impact During Training

If you want to training longer and harder then you have to look at ways to improve your training environment. One important aspect of training is how you actually train. Which is to say the kinds of exercises you plan to do and the ability to do them safely. The other part is when you train and what you train on. Here we look at 3 ways to reduce impact during training to ensure your longevity.

Gym flooring the key to training longer

One of the first thing a person thinks about when starting train is where they will train. Some people train in the park and other go for a run or something similar. If you are going to train indoors then your environment is key to having a safe and comfortable place to train. To that end you need good gym flooring.

There are all sort of gym flooring available which are suitable for different activities. No matter what your sport you are bound to find something to train on. What you chose will ultimately determine the comfort of your training so choosing wisely is advised. Luckily there are heaps of options to choose from.

Reduce impact on your floor to minimise damage

Sometimes it’s not just the damage to your body you should worry about. Especially if you are training at home you want to make sure you don’t cause damage to the property. That is where rubber mats come in. If you are training with weight of are setting up heavy equipment then this is something you should consider.

Rubber mats ensure that where there is impact with the floor that the damage will be mitigated. When you are training with weights you risk drop them on the floor. Especially when doing lots of reps you are bound to have to drop them. This is where rubber mats come to the rescue. They may only be 15mm thick but their high density goes a long way to neutralising the damage.

Save yourself with crash mats

There is high impact training and then there is really high impact training. Activities such as judo and repetitive throwing I would classify as really high impact training. If you want to save your body from the pound impact then crash mats are the way to go.

With crash mats you are creating an effective cushion between your self and the floor. Whilst gym flooring might relieve some of the impact it does do the whole job with activities such as throwing. Most crash mats are at least 15cm thick which is much more than just gym mats. So adding that extra layer of protection is a good way to go.

Be smart and get some training mats

The smart thing to do is to find a good supplier such as Ezy Mats and make your training even better. A good mat is its own reward to reward yourself with a good mat.

The 5 Benefits of Weight Training

The 5 Benefit of Weight Training & How To Get Some

If you want to get fit and look good then weight training is the way to so. Although aerobic exercise is the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle the need for some weight training is often overlooked. Whilst aerobic activity should be done on a daily basis it is sufficient to do weight training two to three times a week for 20-30 minutes. Here we look at the 5 benefits of weight training.

How weight training can help you

Research shows that a single set of 12 to 15 repetitions with the proper weight can build muscle efficiently in most people and can be as effective as three sets of the same exercise. That isn’t a lot so there is barely an excuse not to be incorporating it into your life. Every adult should be doing exercise to maintain a healthy lifestyle. As we now know lean muscle mass naturally diminishes with age so if you don’t use it you will lose it.

What’s more your body fat percentage will increase over time especially if you don’t replace the lean muscle you are losing. This is where weight training comes in as it helps you replenish your muscle mass as you get older.

The benefits of weight training are many but below we will discuss 5 of the main ones. According to the Mayo Clinic below are some such benefits

  • Stronger bones. By stressing your bones weight training can increase bone density which will lead to stronger bones. This can have the benefit of reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
  • Keep your weight under control. Strength training increases your metabolism to helps you burn more calories. It is a great way to lose weight
  • Better quality of life. Weight training can improve your ability to do everyday activities and live your life.  Better muscle strength contributes to better balance and help reduce your risk of falls in old age. 
  • Help your chronic conditions. Weigh training we done properly can help reduce the signs and symptoms of many chronic conditions, such as arthritis, back pain, obesity, heart disease, depression and diabetes.
  • Improve cognitive skills. Regular strength training and aerobic exercise may help improve thinking and learning skills for older adults. This is especially important in old age.

Where to start


If you are looking to incorporate weigh training into your life style a good place to start is a home gym. It really doesn’t take much to set up a home gym. To begin with you might want some exercise mats as they are great for creating a designated area in your home. Good exercise mats will also help minimise injury and fatigue. It is always great to have a good surface for your training.

The other thing you will need is some strength equipment your home gym. That would probably consist of some dumbbells and plates. You might even want to get a bench to help with some of your exercise. The general rule of thumb is if you are over 40 and have been inactive then you should talk to your doctor before starting.


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