Tag Archives: Train From Home

Train From Home

There is nothing better than being able to set up a nice training area at home to be able to get in that extra bit of training. It is so convenient and makes pursuing your favourite activity so much easier. That is why it is also important to have all the equipment necessary to be able to do such a think. It also makes having some good training when you decide to train from home.

What’s the mat best for my home?

That is a question which has been asked time and again and really it depends on a number of factors. Before you chose the mat you want to use for you training you need to ask yourself a few questions.

  • How often will I train?
  • What is the intensity of my training?
  • Will I be wearing shoes?
  • Are there going to be weight involved?
  • Do I need to protect against falls?

Whilst the above is not all the questions you will want to ask yourself they are some of them. Indeed the kind of training you will be engaging in will have a large impact on the choice you need to make so it helps to consider your choices carefully.

Can EVA mats help me?

Probably amongst the most popular type of mats in the market today are Eva Mats. They have been prolific in the field of training for decades now and there is a good reason for it. They are economic and flexible which is what makes  EVA mats such a great choice when it comes to training mats for your home.

Whilst EVA is used for different kids of mats including yoga mats and rollout mats the most popular one is the  Jigsaw Mat format. Indeed the jigsaw mat is probably the most used mat in the world when it comes to training. No only will you find it in the majority of martial arts schools you will also find the humble jigsaw mat being used by all sort of training facilities.

What if I am using weights?

If you are using weights then you need to consider Rubber Mats for your home gym. They are the ideal mats when you have floors which need to be protected by heavy equipment and weight. If you train from home using weights then rubber mats are a no brainer.

The best thing about rubber mats is that they generally come with a no-slip surface. That and the fact that they are pretty dense and heavy means you don’t have to worry about them moving around too much. So they should definitely be on your with list.