3 Way To Reduce Impact During Training
3 Way To Reduce Impact During Training

3 Way To Reduce Impact During Training

If you want to training longer and harder then you have to look at ways to improve your training environment. One important aspect of training is how you actually train. Which is to say the kinds of exercises you plan to do and the ability to do them safely. The other part is when you train and what you train on. Here we look at 3 ways to reduce impact during training to ensure your longevity.

Gym flooring the key to training longer

One of the first thing a person thinks about when starting train is where they will train. Some people train in the park and other go for a run or something similar. If you are going to train indoors then your environment is key to having a safe and comfortable place to train. To that end you need good gym flooring.

There are all sort of gym flooring available which are suitable for different activities. No matter what your sport you are bound to find something to train on. What you chose will ultimately determine the comfort of your training so choosing wisely is advised. Luckily there are heaps of options to choose from.

Reduce impact on your floor to minimise damage

Sometimes it’s not just the damage to your body you should worry about. Especially if you are training at home you want to make sure you don’t cause damage to the property. That is where rubber mats come in. If you are training with weight of are setting up heavy equipment then this is something you should consider.

Rubber mats ensure that where there is impact with the floor that the damage will be mitigated. When you are training with weights you risk drop them on the floor. Especially when doing lots of reps you are bound to have to drop them. This is where rubber mats come to the rescue. They may only be 15mm thick but their high density goes a long way to neutralising the damage.

Save yourself with crash mats

There is high impact training and then there is really high impact training. Activities such as judo and repetitive throwing I would classify as really high impact training. If you want to save your body from the pound impact then crash mats are the way to go.

With crash mats you are creating an effective cushion between your self and the floor. Whilst gym flooring might relieve some of the impact it does do the whole job with activities such as throwing. Most crash mats are at least 15cm thick which is much more than just gym mats. So adding that extra layer of protection is a good way to go.

Be smart and get some training mats

The smart thing to do is to find a good supplier such as Ezy Mats and make your training even better. A good mat is its own reward to reward yourself with a good mat.

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