Tag Archives: Victoria Police

Victoria Police Use Jigsaw Puzzle Mats For Training

Jigsaw Puzzle Mats Favourite of Victoria Police

It is true that jigsaw puzzle mats have become very popular with organisational all around Australia. Whereas in the past their use has mainly been confined to use by martial arts schools they are now very popular with lots of different uses. Jigsaw puzzle mats are so popular because people now recognise the benefits of having a mat that is so versatile.

One such organisation is the Victoria Police Department. In the past Victoria Police have purchased a lot of jigsaw puzzle mats for their organisation. It is assumed that they are purchasing them to use for training purposes. They would have heaps of training facilities which would need to be equip with all sorts of protective and safety equipment to ensure the well being of their members. Training can be perilous at the best of times so this would be absolutely necessary.

To be sure they are not the only police department buys puzzle mats for their organisation. We have also sold mats to police department in NSW and other state. We have also sold to other similar such organisations.

So why would such organisations purchase mats. The main reason are believed to be:

  • Inexpensive to purchase and replace
  • Budgetary concerns
  • Easy and cheap installation
  • Variable colours

It can also be assumed that there would be other reason involved in this phenomena.